forms business paper

Rabu, 16 November 2011
Form Design
Submitted to Fulfill the Assignment of English for Business Interaction I Subject
Lecturer : Anugrah Imani, M.Pd

Composed by:
1. Farid Ridwan                      1210204027
2. Siti Syarifah Aminah. A   1209204123
3. Yesi Trisna Mariyana       1209204142
4. Yeti Maryati                        1209204143
5. Zakiyah                                 1209204144
6. Zia Arija                                1209204145

In the name of Allah the merciful and charitable, we began to composed this paper. Blessing and salvation may always be showered to our prophet Muhammad pbuh., his family and his followers.
We almost find forms in our personal or business lives. For example, when we want to make an account on the internet, we have to fill the form to give the information about our bio data. Because of that, we composed the paper with the title “Form Design”. We hope this paper can give more information and increase our knowledge about form design, either in business lives or personal lives.
Last but not least, we would like to say thank you to all who helped us in the process of composing this paper. And we also really expect that you would like to give some suggestions or advices in order to we can better in next paper.

Bandung, December 2010


Form Design
1.     Why Form
In the Dutch language, form is a paper that contains a lot of questions that must be answered and must be filled. The word of form in our life to day is familiar, we can find it almost everywhere that need information about something. That’s the main function of the forms.
As we know that form is used to collect information about something, usually in the form is such as name, place names date of our birth and so on. It such as many kinds that we see often is a registration form, like new student registration form, the job proposal form, and so on.
Beside the examples of that forms, here is also can be used for people who will do a business. This is usually given form of a company to other company for cooperation and relation in the job.
That only the little of the many kinds of forms that we usually see even we use. 

Example of the form:

2.     Reply Form
If we want to replay form for delegating our business to the client something we should know.
 First, we have to prepare for a list of forms that maybe used to the department that we intended according to their business scope. For example, if the client of our business scope is “health”, we have to prepare about the things that according to “health” needed.
Second is making a replay forms:
Ø  In the other changes of Business Reply Form are very obligated or required, although only a little tear-off slip reply form should be separately given. It is in order the sender can specify the important information for everyone who will be completing the forms.
The guarantee of the correct information will be useful for someone who will be our client and it is a much better way to get information from our business, then we just requesting a written reply or a telephone call. Sometimes a reply coupon is available in many advertisements so that interested company can reply easily we can see from a local newspapers and magazines.
Ø  Reply forms are two kinds, that is external and internal. The different for each forms are; the external reply form usually held with formal occasion or formal agenda, such as held the conference agenda, or etc. and the internal reply form sent out with an internal memo to staff, and it is usually held in the internal agenda or in relax atmosphere.
3. Questionnaires
3.1. Constructing the Questionnaires
Customer satisfaction is very important for the survival of company or the business life. We can find out the customer satisfaction by asking them. Generally, we use the questionnaire to ask and collect the information from the customer (respondent). But the most important thing is what we do to respond their answer.
Questionnaire is the plan of interrogation which is usually published in print or electronic form. Questionnaire consists of the questions and spaces for the answers. We should plan and construct the questionnaire carefully in order to the result are reliable and valid. There are some rules to make a good questionnaire:
  1. Never Use the Leading Question
We are not allowed to ask the respondent by the leading questions, because it influences the respondent to answer. For instance, we wrote “Is Fanta your favorite beverage?” it will lead the respondent to prefer to answer Fanta.
  1. Make the Understandable Question
Never ask or write the ambiguity or unclear questions. It will make the respondent confuse and difficult to answer. Beside that, it may be caused the invalid results.
  1. Avoid the Question that Related to Personal or Private Area
Sometimes, people do not disposed to answer some questions especially the question related to personal or private areas, such as age, income status, morals or personal habits. But, if we do need to ask the personal questions, use the indirect methods. We can ask the range questions to know the age or the income status. For example, “Are you between 18 and 24? Or 24 and 30? Or 30 and 40? Or above 40?” This technique will helps us because people prefer to answer the questions by ranges rather than specifics one.
  1.  Get the Facts as Much as Possible
The facts are better than opinions, although some studies require opinions. When we need opinions, it is better to include the facts and the judgments of the respondents.
  1. Ask the Information that Can be Remembered
Because of human memory is limited, so the questionnaire should ask the questions which are easy to remember by the respondents. There are three fundamentals of memory:
1)      Recency
Commonly, people just remember insignificant events or something that occurred several hours ago and forgot it by the next day.
2)      Intensity of Stimulus
People may remember the significant events for a long time.
3)      Association
Beside that, people may be remembering the insignificant events for long time through the association with something significant.
  1. Plan the Physical Layout with Foresight
We have to design the form for each recording. The questionnaire should provide the sufficient space to answer, and provide the adequate identification space. And the most important, we have to arrange the questions in a logical order.
  1. Using Scale when Appropriate
We are suggested to use the scaling when appropriate because in some cases, form of scaling is useful and help. There are some techniques of scaling:
    1. Ask the respondents to rank the answer.
    2. Rating technique. This technique is more subjective, therefore we need more than two people to average the answer for each questions.
3.2. Selecting the Manner of Questioning
There are many ways to ask the respondents:
a.         Face-to-face (personal contact)
b.         By phone
c.         By mail
3.3. Developing a Working Plan and Conducting a Pilot Study
Pilot study is a small-scale to test our planning (the questionnaire and working plan). We can make any changes if needed before publish the questionnaire to the respondents.
3.4. Questionnaires in Practice
            Here is the example of questionnaire. It is used, for example, when the tabloid or another mass media has an anniversary and wants to know the reader’s opinion about their services.

Oval Callout: Your satisfaction is our necessary


Fun to be read by funny teen

“Teenagers”, is the one of teen’s English magazine that include the education, entertainment, fashion style, and life style.
Today is our first anniversary and we would like to improve our quality. Because of our motto is “Your satisfaction is our necessary”, so that we always emphasize your need. To know your opinion about us, let’s see the questions bellow:
  1. From whom did you know “Teenagers”?
       Family          Friend         Advertisement         Bookstore        Magazine retail
  1. How did you get “Teenagers”?
       Buy it            Borrow from friend         
3.       When did you begin to read “teenagers”
4.       What’s your impression when you read “Teenagers” at the first time?
5.      Do you think our appearance is good?
6.      If not, which part that need revising?
7.      What rubric do you prefer? Why?
8.      What rubric that you think must be able in “Teenagers”?
9.      Please add the other comments or suggestions that you think about “Teenagers”.

Name   : ………………………………………………………………………………………...
Age :……………………………………………………………………………………
Addres            : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Town/city: ……………………………………………………………………………
Country: ………………………………………… Postcode:…………………………
Telephone number: ……………………………………………………………………

Submit to us by post to Jl. Kasturi no.12 Bandung 122515 at least two week after this edition. 100 first senders will get the souvenir from “Teenagers”.


Form is a paper that contains a lot of questions that must be answered and must be filled. The word of form in our life today is familiar; we can find it almost everywhere that need information about something. That’s the main function of the forms.  
Questionnaire is the kind of form that has a function to collect the information especially the customer respond or opinion about the company. Questionnaire always use in research process because of that is very important and to make it easier. The good form or questionnaire is needed to get the valid or the reliable result of the research. Therefore, we have to pay attention on the ways to make a good form.

References (accessed on November 29, 2010 at 7:10 pm)

Pettit, John D & Flatley, Marie E & Lesikar, Raymond V. (1999). Lesikar’s Basic Business Communication. United States of America: McGraw-Hill.

Taylor, Shirley. (2000). Essential Communication Skills: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Business Communication. England: Pearson. (accessed on November 29, 2010 at 7:08 pm)

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